What is CLIA number- (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments)?
CLIA was Passed by Congress in 1988 to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of patient test results, wherever a test is performed. CLIA number is necessary to bill for Lab code (8 series code). Pathology and Laboratory: 80047 – 89398. CLIA# will be in CMS 1500 BOX# 23.
It is 8-digit code 12345678 but needs to send as 10 digits inorder to show the differences because the Clia# will be entered in box#23 where the authorization and referral number are also entered so to show this is Clia# we use an X4 qualifier and “D” at the third position.
Example CLIA#: X4 12D345678.
Types of CLIA tests:
- CLIA Waived Test and
- CLIA Non-Waived Test.